The Will of God in the Present Moment: A Fountain of Living Waters


In a world filled with distractions and endless pursuits, it’s easy to overlook the profound simplicity of the present moment. The wisdom of Jean-Pierre de Caussade resonates deeply with me when he reminds us that the source of living waters—the essence of divine love and sanctity—is readily available to us right now.

“O, all you who thirst, learn that you have not far to go to find the fountain of living waters; it flows quite close to you in the present moment.”

This profound truth calls to mind my own experiences of seeking fulfillment in external pursuits, often overlooking the beauty and grace present in my everyday life. There have been countless times when I chased after fleeting moments of joy or validation, only to find them leaving me thirstier than before.

Reflecting on my journey, I remember a particularly busy period when I juggled homeschooling my five children, managing our home, and trying to carve out a moment for myself. I was running from one task to another, hoping to find satisfaction in each completed chore or lesson plan. But in my frantic pace, I lost sight of the sacredness of the present moment. It was in a quiet moment, while sipping my morning coffee and watching my children play, that I began to recognize the true source of joy and fulfillment.

“Why, with the fountain so near, do you tire yourselves with running about after every little rill?”

In that stillness, I realized how often I chased after fleeting drops of happiness instead of embracing the infinite source right in front of me. I began to understand that the mundane tasks of daily life—the laundry, the meals, the lessons—were opportunities to encounter God’s love and presence. I learned that my prayers, my patience, and even my struggles were all woven into the tapestry of divine grace.

“If you desire to think, to write and to speak like the prophets, the apostles, and the saints, you must give yourself up, as they did, to the inspirations of God.”

This passage struck a chord with me. I often found myself longing for the wisdom and eloquence of saints, thinking that I needed to emulate their actions. However, I began to see that the same divine inspiration that guided them is available to me in my everyday life. Embracing the will of God in the present moment became a pathway to my own sanctity.

Now, I strive to cultivate a deeper awareness of the divine presence in each moment. Whether it’s through the laughter of my children, the beauty of nature around me, or even the trials I face, I’m learning to listen to the whisper of God in my heart.

“Has there ever been an ancient method of abandonment to this operation which is now out of season?”

This question invites us to reflect on the timeless nature of God’s love. Just as the saints of old found their purpose and identity in surrendering to God’s will, we too can tap into this eternal source. The challenges we face are not barriers to our growth; they are invitations to draw closer to God.

In embracing the present moment, I’ve discovered a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. I’ve learned that every moment—joyful or challenging—is a sacred opportunity to encounter the divine. I no longer seek to copy the past but strive to receive God’s love and grace in the here and now.

“May the divine operation of my God be my book, my doctrine, my science.”

This prayer encapsulates my desire to live fully in the present, allowing God’s work in my life to be my guiding principle. As I navigate the complexities of motherhood, homeschooling, and life’s uncertainties, I find comfort in knowing that I’m not alone.

Every moment is a chance to drink deeply from the fountain of living waters. It’s an invitation to abandon myself to the divine will, trusting that in doing so, I will discover the true essence of life and holiness.
