Everything Is Supernaturalized by the Divine Action

The Power of Surrendering to God’s Will in Everyday Life

In Abandonment to Divine Providence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade beautifully emphasizes how every aspect of our life can be supernaturalized by the divine action. He reminds us that God’s grace is present in all things, and that our spiritual journey is not about seeking extraordinary experiences or methods but embracing the simplicity of surrendering to God’s will.

This concept resonated deeply with me, particularly as a homeschooling mother, constantly balancing family duties and personal devotion. There was a time when I was anxiously trying to figure out how to deepen my spiritual life while managing my daily tasks. I thought that holiness required grand gestures or extraordinary moments of divine intervention. But then I realized, as de Caussade puts it, that holiness is found in the simple things – even in folding laundry or preparing meals for my children.

The Quiet Call of the Divine Will

We often fail to recognize that God speaks to us personally and individually through every moment of our lives. Instead of looking for ways to imitate what others are doing or striving for spiritual practices that might not be meant for us, we should simply listen to how God speaks to our hearts. De Caussade says, “We want to know what He has said to others and do not listen when He speaks to ourselves.” This line struck me. How often have I ignored the still, small voice within me, looking elsewhere for answers?

There was a time when I tried to implement all the spiritual practices that seemed effective for others—devotionals, hours of prayer, reading numerous spiritual books. While all these practices are beautiful and enriching, I felt exhausted and disconnected because I wasn't paying attention to what God was asking of me in that season of my life. It was when I began to focus on God's presence in my everyday tasks, allowing His will to flow through the ordinary, that I began to experience peace.

Every Moment is Filled with Grace

De Caussade explains that everything, from the most profound moments to the most mundane, is touched by the divine hand. He writes, "All that happens to me will be food for my nourishment, water for my cleansing, fire for my purification, and a channel of grace for all my needs." I’ve learned to see my daily duties as opportunities to encounter God. Whether it’s homeschooling, cleaning, or even the challenges of budgeting our finances, each moment becomes infused with grace when I approach it with a spirit of surrender.

One personal experience I hold dear happened during a particularly stressful week. My children were all sick, the house was a mess, and I felt overwhelmed by my responsibilities. I wanted to escape and spend hours in silent prayer, but that wasn’t possible. Instead, I realized that God was calling me to find Him right there—in the chaos, in the mess. I began to pray as I worked, asking for His guidance with each small task. And suddenly, everything seemed lighter. I felt connected to God, not through an elaborate spiritual practice, but through simply being present to my duties and offering them to Him.

Surrendering to God's Will Brings Freedom

One of the most freeing realizations that de Caussade brings is the idea that God’s will is enough. We don’t need to strive for control or force outcomes. “Your will is enough, and I am content to live and to die as it decrees,” he says. This surrender has brought me peace, especially when things don’t go according to plan.

I remember a time when I was worried about my children's future, particularly when our family was struggling financially. Instead of obsessing over what I couldn't control, I made a conscious decision to surrender everything to God’s will. I asked Him to take care of my family in whatever way He saw fit. The relief that came from that surrender was profound, and even though our financial situation didn't change overnight, my heart did. I felt a deep sense of peace, trusting that God’s will, no matter how things appeared, was always for our good.

The Immensity of Divine Grace is Everywhere

De Caussade also points out how God’s grace is like an endless ocean, pouring out over us, even though we often don’t realize it. He writes, “There is a sea at hand, the waters of which encompass me on every side.” When I began to truly trust that God was working in every aspect of my life, I stopped seeking external signs and started recognizing the divine action in every situation. Each moment, however simple or difficult, is an opportunity to draw closer to Him.

For instance, I used to feel frustrated when my children would interrupt my prayer time, thinking that those interruptions were distractions from God. But now, I see those moments as divine opportunities—God calling me to practice patience, kindness, and love. Even the challenges become moments of grace when I view them through the lens of divine providence.

A Call to Trust and Abandonment

Ultimately, de Caussade calls us to live with perfect confidence in God’s action. This is something I strive for every day. Trusting that everything, even the smallest things, are part of God’s plan for my sanctification brings such comfort. As I continue to walk this journey of faith, I am learning that abandonment to God’s will isn’t about passive resignation—it’s about active trust. It’s about believing that God is present in every detail of my life and that He is working all things for my good.

In closing, I encourage you to open your heart to this divine action. Trust that God is with you in every moment, no matter how ordinary or chaotic it may seem. Let go of the need to control, and surrender to His will. When we live in this state of abandonment, we are not only fulfilling our spiritual calling, but we are also embracing the fullness of God’s grace in our lives.

Let us all strive to embrace each moment as a gift from God and trust that in His infinite wisdom, He is guiding us to sanctity through the everyday.
