The Most Perfect Way: Trusting in Divine Action

In our spiritual lives, we often search for ways to connect more deeply with God. We read books, follow devotions, and seek advice from those wiser in faith. Yet, there comes a point where God invites us to leave all of this behind—not in a literal sense, but in our hearts—to be guided directly by Him alone. This is what Jean-Pierre de Caussade calls the "Most Perfect Way." It is a state where the soul is completely surrendered to God's divine action, trusting Him to lead us even through the darkest and most uncertain times.

When I first encountered this idea, I’ll admit, it felt both exciting and terrifying. How could I let go of my spiritual practices—the devotions, books, and routines that gave me comfort and structure? How could I trust that simply being led by God would be enough?

A Journey of Letting Go

As a homeschooling mother, much of my life is centered around schedules, plans, and the constant need to stay ahead of things. There is comfort in knowing what comes next and preparing for it. But, as any parent knows, life rarely goes according to plan. There are interruptions, unexpected illnesses, and the inevitable chaos of raising children. Early on, I struggled with this unpredictability. I wanted to have everything under control, both in my spiritual life and in my day-to-day routines. Yet, over time, I’ve learned that true peace comes not from having control but from surrendering to God's will in each moment.

Jean-Pierre de Caussade describes this surrender as living like a child led by the hand. The child does not need to know the path, only to trust the parent who guides them. It is the same for us in our relationship with God. When we let go of our own need to control and allow God to guide us, we begin to experience a deeper sense of peace, even in the midst of uncertainty.

Discovering God’s Presence in Each Moment

One of the most beautiful aspects of this “Most Perfect Way” is that it teaches us to find God’s action in every moment of our lives. We don’t have to search for signs or rely on visions or revelations. Instead, we trust that God is present and working, even when we cannot see or understand what He is doing.

I’ve experienced this in my own life. There have been times when prayer felt dry, when I was overwhelmed by the demands of life, and when I couldn’t see how God was at work in my struggles. Yet, by surrendering my need for answers and trusting that God was guiding me, I began to notice His presence in the smallest things—the laughter of my children, the unexpected kindness of a friend, the quiet moments of prayer, even when they felt empty.

I realized that God doesn’t need me to understand every step of the journey. He only asks me to trust Him, to believe that He is at work in every situation, no matter how mundane or challenging.

A Life of Trust and Surrender

What does it mean to live a life guided by divine action? For me, it means letting go of the need to control every aspect of my life and trusting that God is leading me on the right path. It means accepting each moment as a gift from God, whether it brings joy, challenge, or uncertainty. When I encounter difficulties—whether it’s a day where nothing seems to go right or a deeper spiritual dryness—I remind myself that God is present in these moments, using them to draw me closer to Him.

Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s teaching reminds us that God’s action is at work in every situation. Whether we are reading, speaking, or writing, we can trust that He is guiding us. Our role is not to question or analyze, but to trust and follow. It is a profound shift from relying on our own efforts to placing our complete faith in God’s guidance.

Experiencing Peace in Surrender

Perhaps the greatest challenge in this way of life is letting go of our desire to achieve or prove ourselves. As someone who thrives on planning and structure, I find this difficult. But when I have been able to surrender—truly let go of my need to orchestrate every detail—I have experienced the deepest peace.

It’s not a peace that comes from everything going perfectly according to plan. It’s a peace that comes from knowing that I am exactly where God wants me to be, even when I don’t understand why. It’s the peace of surrendering to the divine action, trusting that God’s will is perfect, even when it doesn’t align with my own expectations.

Trusting God’s Will Today

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of life or unsure of how to move forward in your spiritual journey, I encourage you to take a step back and surrender. Trust that God is leading you, even when the path feels unclear. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we need to do more, be more, or achieve more in order to grow closer to God. But the truth is, God is already at work in your life, guiding you in ways that you may not even realize.

As Jean-Pierre de Caussade reminds us, the most perfect way is not found in our efforts, but in our surrender. Let go of your plans and trust that God is working in every moment. Whether you are struggling with a difficult situation or simply feeling lost, remember that God is present, guiding you with His divine action.

In this surrender, you will find peace. You will find joy. And most importantly, you will find that God is closer than you ever imagined, leading you step by step along the most perfect way.
