The Divine Word as Our Model: Surrendering to God's Action in Everyday Life

In Abandonment to Divine Providence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade profoundly teaches that true sanctity comes not from our own cleverness or efforts but by surrendering entirely to the divine action of God in our lives. He explains that we are formed, not by our own understanding or mental exertions, but by passively allowing God to mold us, just as metal is shaped in a mold, or a canvas is painted under the direction of an artist.

This idea challenged me as a homeschooling mother, often striving for perfection. I used to believe that growing in holiness meant knowing all the intricate details of divine mysteries, reading countless spiritual books, and following strict spiritual disciplines. However, I found myself overwhelmed, constantly chasing after more knowledge but never feeling at peace.

Then de Caussade's words struck me: “It is obvious that a work such as this cannot be effected by cleverness, intelligence, nor subtlety of mind, but only by the passive way of abandonment.” This realization transformed my perspective. Instead of pursuing control, I began to focus on simply yielding to God’s will moment by moment, trusting that He was working through the simplest tasks and decisions.

Letting Go of Curiosity and Control

One of the most powerful lessons from de Caussade is the danger of spiritual curiosity. He warns that, while it is tempting to compare ourselves to others or seek what God is doing in the lives of others, this distracts us from what God is trying to do in our own hearts. I personally struggled with this. I used to feel inadequate because I wasn’t following certain practices or devotions that seemed to bring others closer to God. However, as de Caussade says, “We want to know what He has said to others and do not listen when He speaks to ourselves.”

I realized that God was speaking to me right where I was—in the midst of homeschooling, family responsibilities, and even moments of stress and exhaustion. Instead of looking outward for answers, I began to listen to His voice in my heart. It wasn’t about doing more or knowing more but about surrendering my will to God’s moment-by-moment direction. This shift brought a profound sense of peace.

Abandonment to God's Will: A Daily Choice

De Caussade also reminds us that "the wisdom of the just soul consists in being content with what is intended for it, in confining itself within the boundary of its path, and not trespassing beyond its limit." For me, this became a daily practice—focusing on what God was asking of me in each moment, without worrying about the future or comparing my path to others. Whether it was teaching my children, managing household tasks, or navigating personal challenges, I started to see everything as an opportunity to surrender to God’s will.

Embracing God's Action: Simple and Silent Transformation

In Abandonment to Divine Providence, de Caussade speaks of the soul being molded and shaped by God’s divine action without the need for excessive effort on our part. “We must make use only of that which God sends us to do or to suffer, and not forsake this divine reality.”

This insight has brought a deep sense of freedom to my spiritual life. I no longer strive to understand every mystery or follow every practice that seems effective for others. Instead, I focus on being faithful to what God is asking of me in each moment—whether it’s teaching a lesson, folding laundry, or praying in the quiet of my heart. Each moment, however simple, becomes an opportunity to allow God to shape me more fully into His image.

The Grace of Abandonment

I have learned that the true grace of abandonment lies in trusting that God’s will is enough. We don’t need to chase after signs or seek extraordinary experiences. De Caussade says, “Your will is enough, and I am content to live and to die as it decrees.”

This surrender has been incredibly freeing for me, especially when things don’t go according to plan. There was a time when I was consumed with worry about my family’s future, particularly during financial hardships. But I learned to let go and trust that God was in control. Even though our circumstances didn’t change overnight, my heart did. I experienced a peace that comes only from trusting completely in God’s providence.

Becoming a Student of the Divine Will

De Caussade’s message has been a gentle yet powerful reminder to stop striving for perfection through human effort and to simply surrender to the divine action that is always at work in our lives. Like the prodigal son, I return to God with a humble heart, ready to be molded by His will. No longer seeking satisfaction from knowledge or comparison, I now trust that God is at work in every detail of my life, no matter how ordinary it may seem.

As I continue on this journey of abandonment, I strive to become a disciple of God’s will, content with the present moment, and open to His silent yet profound work in my soul. In doing so, I hope to inspire others to embrace the simplicity of surrender and discover the immense grace that flows from living in alignment with God’s divine plan.

Let us all find peace and sanctification in each moment by surrendering to the divine action at work in our lives, trusting that God is guiding us toward perfection, not through our own efforts, but through His loving will.
