Abandonment: A Source of Joy


The concept of abandonment to divine providence often evokes a mixture of emotions. It can be daunting to surrender control and trust in a greater plan, especially during tumultuous times. However, in my journey of faith, I have discovered that this very act of abandonment is not just an obligation but a profound source of joy.

Embracing Generosity

Jean-Pierre de Caussade eloquently captures the essence of abandonment as the most heroic form of generosity. In his words, “There is nothing more generous than the way in which a soul having faith accepts the most deadly perils and troubles, beholding in them something divine of the spiritual life.”

Reflecting on my own life, there have been moments where I faced significant challenges—whether it was a health crisis, financial instability, or family struggles. In those moments of fear and uncertainty, I found that turning to God and embracing abandonment brought an unexpected sense of relief and even joy. The weight of my worries was lifted when I chose to let go of control and trust that God had a plan. This shift in perspective transformed my trials into opportunities for growth and deepened my faith.

A Flood of Divine Life

De Caussade describes the abundance of divine life experienced in the state of abandonment. He writes, “In all this, they find a plenitude of divine life, not given to them drop by drop, but in floods which inundate and engulf the soul in an instant.” This resonates deeply with me, as I have felt this flood of grace wash over me during times of prayer and reflection. When I allow myself to fully surrender to God, I experience moments of clarity and peace that surpass understanding.

One of the most profound experiences I had was during a family retreat. As I sat in silence, overwhelmed by the chaos of everyday life, I felt a gentle nudge to release my burdens to God. I realized that my worries about finances and daily responsibilities were consuming me. In that moment of abandonment, I was flooded with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude for the blessings I had, despite the challenges I faced.

Faith Amidst Desolation

De Caussade emphasizes that “faith is never unhappy even when the senses are most desolate.” This idea has been a lifeline for me. When life feels heavy, and my senses tell me all is lost, it is faith that reminds me to keep moving forward.

There have been times when despair seemed to cloud my judgment. In those moments, I leaned on my faith, allowing it to guide me through the darkness. I vividly remember one such instance when I felt completely lost, grappling with feelings of inadequacy as a mother and a wife. I turned to prayer, asking for guidance and strength. I was reminded of the importance of trust. Through that abandonment, I found renewed energy and a clearer sense of purpose, revealing that joy can exist even amidst trials.

The Voice of Faith

In his writing, de Caussade conveys the struggle between the senses and faith: “The senses, in terror, suddenly cry to the soul, ‘Unhappy one! You have now no resource, you are lost,’ and instantly faith with a stronger voice answers: ‘Keep firm, go on, and fear nothing.’”

This dynamic plays out in my life regularly. When my senses scream for attention, urging me to panic or despair, I strive to listen for that voice of faith reminding me to persevere. It is this internal dialogue that fosters resilience and encourages me to embrace joy, even when circumstances seem bleak.

A Journey of Trust

Abandonment is a journey that requires patience and practice. It is not an instantaneous transformation but a gradual process of learning to trust God more deeply. In my daily life, I strive to cultivate this state of abandonment through prayer, mindfulness, and reflection. It involves recognizing that, while I may not have all the answers, I can surrender my worries to a loving God who has a perfect plan for my life.

As I share these reflections, my hope is to encourage those who may feel burdened by their struggles. Remember, abandonment to divine providence is not about relinquishing responsibility but embracing a new perspective that transforms trials into sources of joy. God invites each of us to trust Him, guiding us toward our unique paths and allowing us to find joy amidst life’s uncertainties.

In the words of de Caussade, let us keep faith, hope, and love at the forefront of our hearts. Let us abandon ourselves to God’s divine action, trusting that we will ultimately experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living in accordance with His will. As we do so, we will discover that our abandonment not only unites us with God but also opens the door to a more profound experience of joy and peace in our lives.
