Abandonment: A Pledge of Predestination

In the spiritual journey of faith, hope, and charity, there is one profound act that unites them all: abandonment to God's will. This act encompasses a deep trust in divine providence, a willingness to surrender everything and allow God to direct our lives. It’s an invitation to let go of control, and instead, lean into a beautiful mixture of faith, hope, and love.

I have always found this concept both comforting and challenging. Comforting, because it reassures me that God's plans are infinitely wiser than mine. Challenging, because I often want to cling to my own ideas of what my life should look like. But every time I face struggles or uncertainties, it becomes clear: true peace comes from complete trust in God's action.

De Caussade describes abandonment as "a certain mixture of faith, hope, and charity in one single act," which immediately resonates with the heart. Faith believes that God knows what’s best for us. Hope sees His goodness and trusts in it, and charity is the love that fuels this surrender. These virtues, when practiced together, unite us to God in a way that transforms how we live and experience our daily life.

Embracing This Pledge in Everyday Life

I can recall several moments in my own life where I had to lean into this abandonment, especially when things seemed to unravel. One of the most vivid memories I have is when we faced a financial crisis after a series of unexpected hospitalizations. We had plans—clear ideas of how we would manage our finances and get out of debt. Then, one after another, unforeseen expenses and setbacks kept piling up. I felt overwhelmed, and my instinct was to fix everything on my own. But no matter how hard I tried to work things out, nothing went as planned. It was in these moments of complete uncertainty that I found myself brought back to prayer, asking for the grace to trust in God's providence.

It wasn't easy at first, but over time, abandoning my fears to God and placing my trust in His plans filled me with a deep sense of peace. The situation didn't change overnight, but my heart shifted. I realized that, like St. Jean-Pierre de Caussade writes, "the manner of [God's will] ought to be a matter of indifference to the soul." Whether God chooses to act through light or through darkness, it’s not for me to question—only to trust.

The Certainty of Abandonment

What I find most striking about abandonment, especially in the way de Caussade explains it, is the absolute certitude of God’s presence, even when we don’t see or understand His ways. He says, “Pure faith believes without either seeing or feeling.” This speaks directly to those moments in life when we feel lost or unsure, yet still believe that God is guiding us.

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned through my own walk of faith is that abandonment isn’t passive. It’s active faith—choosing to trust God even in the darkest of times. For example, there were moments when I had to let go of specific expectations for my family or our financial situation, knowing that God had a purpose for the struggles we faced. Though the process often seemed shrouded in darkness, every single time, God’s will revealed itself in ways I could never have imagined.

God’s Unique Path for Each Soul

Not everyone is called to the same journey, and de Caussade reminds us of this. He speaks about the "endless variety" of ways that God can guide each soul through abandonment. What comforts me most in this teaching is that no matter what our individual path looks like—whether filled with joy or burdened with trials—abandonment is a sure means of receiving God's special grace.

In this state of surrender, I find immense joy in knowing that God, in His wisdom, has tailor-made a plan for me that fits my soul perfectly. I may not always understand it, but I can trust that His action is leading me toward sanctification.

A Call to Abandonment for All

The beauty of abandonment is that it’s not just for the saints or the spiritually elite—it’s for all of us. Whether you're a homeschooling mom juggling the demands of family life or someone going through a difficult phase of uncertainty, abandonment to God’s will is available to everyone. You don’t need extraordinary talents or immense spiritual knowledge—just a heart willing to be united to God.

Jesus invites us all to this path of trust. He doesn’t ask for impossible sacrifices; He asks for a simple and sincere heart that desires to be one with Him. Abandonment is not an action of despair but of hope—it’s the certainty that, despite all appearances, we are securely in God’s hands.

As I continue to learn to live in this state of abandonment, I’m reminded time and again of the joy and peace it brings. Yes, there are moments when I’m tempted to take back control, but I’m learning to rest in the truth that everything—even the hard parts—are part of God’s loving plan for my life.

So today, let us embrace this pledge of predestination, trusting that, whether in light or in darkness, God is always leading us. All He asks is that we abandon ourselves to His loving action and rest in the knowledge that we are His.
