Discovering the Will of God in Daily Life

One of the most profound spiritual lessons I’ve encountered in my faith journey is the idea that God’s will is continuously present in every moment of our lives. Jean-Pierre de Caussade, in Abandonment to Divine Providence, beautifully describes this concept, explaining that each moment is filled with infinite value because it contains the will of God.

When I first read this, I was struck by how simple, yet transformative this understanding could be. The idea that the will of God isn’t something distant or difficult to discern, but something present in every action, every circumstance—big or small—was revolutionary for me. I had often thought that discovering God’s will meant waiting for some grand revelation or spiritual moment. But de Caussade teaches that the present moment, no matter how ordinary or challenging, is the gateway to God’s will.

Infinite Value in Every Moment

De Caussade writes that “the divine action places before us at every moment things of infinite value.” This sentence has stayed with me, especially in moments of frustration or monotony. Like many homeschooling mothers, my days are filled with repetitive tasks: cooking, cleaning, teaching, and managing the household. For a long time, I struggled to find meaning in these activities. They felt burdensome, and I often wondered if there was something more “spiritual” or important I could be doing to serve God.

But when I started seeing my daily tasks as opportunities to embrace the will of God, everything changed. Each chore, each moment of homeschooling, each interaction with my children became an opportunity to live out His will. Instead of seeing these moments as mundane, I began to see them as sacred. It’s not about the task itself, but about the faith and love I bring into it.

For instance, there was a day when I felt utterly overwhelmed with the endless demands of motherhood. My youngest child had a tantrum, the older ones were bickering, and the house was in chaos. I remember standing in the kitchen, feeling like I was about to break. But in that moment, I remembered de Caussade’s words. I paused and prayed: “God, this is Your will for me right now. Help me to see You in this chaos.” And suddenly, the weight lifted. My circumstances didn’t change, but my heart did. I realized that God was present in the noise, in the frustration, and that embracing this moment was an act of faith and love.

Expanding Our Capacity for God’s Will

De Caussade also talks about how the will of God is like an “inexhaustible ocean” that we can only receive according to our capacity. The more we trust and love God, the more we can receive from this vast ocean of His will. This idea challenges us to expand our hearts through faith and love.

In my own life, I’ve seen how faith grows through trials. When we’re faced with challenges—whether financial, emotional, or spiritual—it’s easy to feel like God is distant. But these are the moments where faith can flourish. When my family was going through a particularly difficult financial time, it was hard to see the goodness in it. But by surrendering to God’s will, by trusting that He was with us even in the struggle, we found peace. We didn’t get immediate solutions, but we received the strength to keep going, knowing that God’s plan was at work.

I’ve learned that the more I surrender to God’s will, the more peace and joy I find, even in hardship. De Caussade describes this surrender as plunging into a “deep abyss” where we find that God’s will is even greater than our desires. It’s a beautiful image, one that has given me comfort when life feels overwhelming. I don’t need to understand everything—I just need to trust that God is present, guiding me through each moment.

Faith Over Senses

One of the most challenging aspects of living according to God’s will is learning to trust beyond what our senses can perceive. De Caussade writes that the senses worship creatures, while faith adores the divine will. This resonated deeply with me because so often, we rely on what we can see, touch, and feel to measure our happiness or success. But faith requires us to go beyond the visible and tangible. It calls us to trust in God’s plan, even when it’s hidden or unclear.

There have been countless times in my life where things didn’t make sense. Whether it was a sudden financial setback, a health scare, or a family issue, I’ve found myself questioning why God would allow such difficulties. But as de Caussade teaches, these are the moments where faith is nourished. The more I’ve learned to let go of my own understanding and trust in God’s will, the more peace I’ve found.

I recall a particularly tough season when one of my children was struggling academically. No matter how much effort I put into homeschooling, it felt like nothing was working. I was exhausted and discouraged. But instead of giving up, I surrendered the situation to God. I prayed, “Lord, I don’t understand why this is so hard, but I trust that You are with us in this.” Over time, things improved—not because I found the perfect solution, but because I learned to trust God’s timing and presence in the struggle.

A Daily Surrender

Living in alignment with God’s will isn’t a one-time decision; it’s a daily practice. It’s about constantly surrendering each moment to Him, whether it’s filled with joy or difficulty. Every day, I try to remind myself that God’s will is present in every situation. Whether I’m facing a difficult homeschooling day, financial worries, or simply the exhaustion of parenting, I know that God is with me. He’s working through these moments to shape me, to teach me, and to bring me closer to Him.

In conclusion, discovering God’s will is about recognizing His presence in every moment. It’s about trusting that His plan is perfect, even when we don’t understand it. As de Caussade teaches, faith expands our capacity to receive God’s will, and through that faith, we find peace, joy, and fulfillment beyond anything the world can offer. So let us embrace each moment, knowing that it is filled with the infinite treasure of God’s will, and trust that He is always with us, guiding us through every step of our journey.
