Sanctity Made Easy: Finding Holiness in Daily Life


The pursuit of holiness often seems daunting, reserved for saints or those living in monasteries. However, understanding the simplicity of sanctity can make it accessible to anyone, no matter their state in life. I have personally struggled with this idea, thinking that I needed to do something extraordinary to grow closer to God. But the teachings of Jean-Pierre de Caussade in Abandonment to Divine Providence have profoundly changed my perspective, showing me that sanctity is much easier to attain than I once thought.

The Hidden Merit in Everyday Actions

If we could truly grasp the value hidden in the mundane tasks of our daily lives, we would be spared much of the anxiety that often accompanies our spiritual journeys. I remember a time when I was overwhelmed by the thought that I wasn't doing enough for God. I felt that my daily routine of homeschooling, cooking, and cleaning couldn't possibly contribute to my sanctification. But then I realized that every moment, every task, is an opportunity to grow in holiness. Whether it's folding laundry or teaching a math lesson, these simple duties are where sanctity is found if we do them with love and submission to God's will.

Imagine the joy of knowing that the path to perfection isn't about doing more or achieving something beyond our reach. It’s about embracing the present moment and seeing it as a gift from God. The thought that God is present in every moment of our lives, even the most ordinary ones, has given me immense peace. I no longer feel the pressure to seek out extraordinary spiritual practices. Instead, I focus on doing what I already do with a heart united to God's will.

Embracing Crosses with Joy

Another profound insight from de Caussade is the importance of accepting the crosses that come our way. We often think that holiness requires grand sacrifices, but the real challenge lies in accepting the little crosses sent by Providence—those inconveniences, disappointments, and sufferings that we encounter daily. I’ve experienced this firsthand, especially during tough financial times when unexpected expenses would arise, throwing our carefully planned budget into disarray. Initially, my reaction was one of frustration and anxiety, but slowly I began to see these moments as opportunities to trust more deeply in God’s providence.

De Caussade’s words reminded me that these crosses are not obstacles to holiness but the very means by which God sanctifies us. The true "philosopher’s stone," as he puts it, is submission to the will of God, which transforms our daily struggles into "divine gold." When we accept these difficulties with faith and patience, they become powerful means of grace.

The Ease of Sanctity

The most beautiful revelation in de Caussade’s teaching is the simplicity of sanctity. It doesn’t require us to change our circumstances but to change our hearts. Two people can experience the same trials and perform the same duties, yet one grows in holiness while the other does not. The difference lies in the heart. Do we perform our tasks and endure our sufferings out of love for God, or do we do them reluctantly, out of a sense of obligation or resentment?

This insight has been a game-changer for me. I used to think that to grow in holiness, I needed to add more spiritual practices to my already busy schedule. But now, I understand that holiness is not about doing more but about doing what I already do with a heart aligned with God’s will. Sanctity is simply saying “yes” to God in every moment, trusting that He is with us and that His will is always for our good.

A Simple "Fiat"

In conclusion, sanctity is not as complicated or unattainable as we often make it out to be. It’s a simple “fiat,” a wholehearted “yes” to God’s will in every aspect of our lives. Whether we are living in a monastery or managing a household, the path to holiness is the same: loving and submitting to God’s will in the present moment. This love transforms everything we do into something divine.

As I continue on my journey, I strive to embrace this simple yet profound truth. I hope that by sharing my experiences, others will find encouragement and inspiration to pursue sanctity in their own lives, knowing that it is not only possible but also within reach. Let us all strive to love God’s will in everything, and in doing so, find true peace and holiness.
