Finding God in the Ordinary: Lessons from Mary and the Hidden Operations of Divine Providence


Finding God in the Ordinary: Lessons from Mary and the Hidden Operations of Divine Providence

In our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the significance of the small, ordinary duties that fill our days. Yet, as I’ve come to realize through my own journey, these seemingly mundane tasks can be where God’s grace works most powerfully. In reflecting on the teachings of Jean-Pierre de Caussade in his work Abandonment to Divine Providence, I've found profound lessons in embracing the ordinary with humility, much like the Blessed Virgin Mary did.

The Power of Ordinary Duties

De Caussade beautifully describes how the duties of each moment are like shadows that hide the divine operation. He likens these moments to the angel’s words to Mary, “The power of the most High shall overshadow thee” (Lk 1:35). In this way, the seemingly small and ordinary tasks of our day—whether it’s washing dishes, caring for children, or completing work responsibilities—are not just tasks to get through. They are, in fact, opportunities for God to work within us.

I’ve had many days where the routine of life felt heavy, where the repetition of chores and responsibilities seemed monotonous. However, when I began to approach these duties with the mindset that they were God’s way of working in my soul, I started to see them in a new light. These moments became opportunities for spiritual growth, a chance to offer my efforts to God and to let His grace transform me through them.

Humility in the Hidden Life

Mary’s life, as depicted in the Gospels, is one of humility and simplicity. She didn’t perform grandiose acts that the world would deem extraordinary. Instead, she lived a life of hidden holiness—visiting her cousin Elizabeth, fleeing from Herod’s wrath, and raising Jesus in the quiet town of Nazareth. These were all outwardly ordinary events, but what was invisible to the world was the divine grace operating within them.

I often find myself caught up in the desire to do something great, something that would make a visible impact. But then, I’m reminded of Mary and the Holy Family. Their lives were filled with ordinary tasks, but these were sanctified by their faith and humility. It’s a powerful reminder that true greatness in God’s eyes often lies in faithfully carrying out the small duties He places before us each day.

Discovering God in the Present Moment

De Caussade speaks of the “Sacrament of the present moment,” where God reveals Himself to the humble in the most lowly forms. This concept has deeply resonated with me, especially during moments when I’m tempted to overlook the present in pursuit of something grander. It’s in the present moment, in the simplicity of our daily lives, that God is most powerfully at work.

I’ve started to approach each day with a greater awareness of God’s presence in the small things. Whether it’s a kind word spoken to a loved one, the patience required in dealing with a challenging situation, or the quiet moments of prayer amidst the busyness, these are the moments where God is truly present. They are opportunities to grow in holiness, to be like Mary, and to find divine grace in the hidden, humble corners of our lives.


As we navigate our daily duties, may we remember that these are not just tasks to be completed but opportunities for divine grace to work within us. Let’s strive to embrace each moment with the humility and faith of Mary, trusting that God is present in even the most ordinary aspects of our lives. By doing so, we open ourselves up to the hidden operations of Divine Providence, allowing God to sanctify our souls through the simple, daily acts of love and service.
