Fidelity to God's Will: The Path to True Sanctity

Fidelity to God's Will: The Path to True Sanctity

In the first chapter of Abandonment to Divine Providence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade speaks profoundly about the nature of true sanctity—fidelity to the order established by God and submission to His divine will. This concept, though ancient, is as relevant today as it was in the times of the saints. As I reflect on de Caussade’s words, I’m reminded of how these principles apply in my own life and how they can resonate with anyone striving to live a life of holiness in the modern world.

The Simplicity of Holiness

De Caussade describes how, in the past, spirituality was simpler, with souls focusing on each moment's duty as an expression of God’s will. This simplicity resonates with me, especially in my daily life as a homeschooling mother. There are days when the chaos of raising children, managing the household, and attending to various responsibilities feels overwhelming. In these moments, I remind myself of Mary’s humble submission—her “Fiat” to God’s will—expressed in the words, "Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum" (Luke 1:38).

This simple yet profound submission is a powerful reminder that sanctity isn’t found in grand gestures or extraordinary events but in the quiet faithfulness to God’s will in the everyday moments. Whether it’s preparing meals, teaching my children, or simply being present, each act, however ordinary, becomes a path to holiness when offered with the right intention.

Embracing God’s Will in Daily Life

De Caussade emphasizes that Mary’s entire life was ruled by God’s will, whether in her ordinary tasks or in the extraordinary moments of her life. Reflecting on this, I find great comfort and inspiration in knowing that my own daily activities, however mundane they may seem, are opportunities to align myself with God’s will.

There have been times when the demands of life have felt like too much to bear, where I’ve questioned my ability to manage it all. But it’s precisely in these moments that I find strength in abandoning myself to God’s providence. Like Mary, I strive to see every task, challenge, or moment of suffering as a gift from God—an opportunity to grow closer to Him and to bring glory to His name.

Finding Joy in Submission

One of the most beautiful aspects of de Caussade’s teaching is the joy that comes from submitting to God’s will. He writes that Mary found joy in everything she had to do or suffer, seeing it all as a gift from God. This perspective is transformative. Instead of viewing life’s challenges as burdens, we can see them as opportunities for grace.

For instance, when unexpected difficulties arise, instead of succumbing to frustration, I try to see them as God’s way of drawing me closer to Him. This shift in perspective doesn’t make the challenges disappear, but it does bring a sense of peace and purpose that helps me navigate them with grace.


De Caussade’s reflections on the virtue of abandonment to Divine Providence remind us that true sanctity lies in simple, faithful adherence to God’s will. By embracing each moment as an opportunity to do God’s will, we can transform our daily lives into a journey toward holiness. Like Mary, let us find joy in submitting to God’s will, trusting that He is guiding us every step of the way.

As we go about our daily tasks, let’s remember that each moment, whether filled with joy or difficulty, is a chance to align ourselves more closely with God’s divine plan. In this way, we not only grow in holiness but also bring a little more of God’s light into the world.
