Attaining Peace Through Submission to Divine Will


In life, we all seek peace—true, lasting peace that transcends the chaos of our daily routines. But as I’ve learned through my journey, this peace can only be found in submission to the divine action, in aligning our will with God's. It’s a lesson that has transformed my approach to life, especially during challenging times.

As a homeschooling mother of five, my life is a constant whirlwind of tasks—teaching, budgeting, managing the household, and caring for my children. In the midst of all this, I often found myself striving for control, trying to organize every detail, plan every outcome, and solve every problem with sheer willpower. I thought that by working harder and planning better, I could create a sense of peace and stability for my family. However, no matter how much effort I put in, true peace always seemed elusive, just out of reach.

It was during one particularly overwhelming period that I realized the flaw in my thinking. I was relying too much on my own abilities and not enough on God’s will. The more I resisted the divine action, the more restless and dissatisfied I became. It was as if every task, no matter how well-intentioned, felt like an uphill battle. I was seeking peace in the wrong places, thinking that by managing everything perfectly, I could achieve it on my own terms.

But peace, as I’ve come to understand, doesn’t come from external circumstances or from our own efforts alone. It comes from surrendering to the will of God, from accepting the present moment as it is ordained by Him. When we align ourselves with God’s will, we find that the duties of each moment—no matter how mundane or challenging—become the very means through which we are nourished, fortified, and sanctified.

I remember one instance when our financial situation became particularly tight. Despite my best efforts at budgeting and cutting costs, it seemed impossible to make ends meet. I was anxious and frustrated, constantly worrying about how we would get through the month. It wasn’t until I let go of my need to control every aspect of our finances and trusted in God’s providence that I began to feel a sense of peace. It didn’t mean our problems were instantly solved, but I found comfort in knowing that God was guiding us, that His will was at work even in our struggles.

This experience taught me that resisting God’s will only leads to more turmoil and dissatisfaction. When we try to impose our own desires over His, we are setting ourselves up for frustration. True peace comes from embracing the present moment, from trusting that God’s wisdom and goodness are at work in everything we encounter. Even when the path is difficult, knowing that it is God’s chosen way for us can transform our perspective and bring us the peace we so desperately seek.

In those moments when I feel tempted to resist or question God’s will, I remind myself that peace lies not in having everything go according to my plans, but in surrendering to His. It’s a daily practice, one that requires constant trust and humility. But I’ve found that it’s the only way to truly attain the peace that my soul longs for.

So, whether it’s the responsibilities of homeschooling, the challenges of budgeting, or any other aspect of life, I’ve learned to see them as opportunities to align with God’s will. By doing so, I’ve found a peace that is deeper and more fulfilling than anything I could have achieved on my own. This is the peace that comes from letting go of our own desires and trusting in the divine action at work in every moment.
